Off to Manitoba

Sometimes big things happen without a lot of fanfare.

Here’s an example from this room.
My book, Paint & Prose: A Way Finder’s Meander has gone to press. 


The culmination of a year of Idea, Intention & Action, fundraising and grant writing, planning, painting, prosing and scanning and designing and more more more – all met in an electronic file upload to a producer of fine books in Manitoba, Canada on a Wednesday afternoon. 

The lovely folks in Manitoba said, “Got it. Take care.”

Our intrepid designer enjoyed a Wunderbar. 

And I did a quiet, squeaky little dance and got on with the other work I have waiting on my easel. 

I am taking tomorrow off, which also feels like a big thing happening without a lot of fanfare. 

We did a colour mock up to check out the final details before sending the files for the book out to the printer in Manitoba. We are happy and excited to have a real book in our hands. Click the cover to see a high speed youtube flip though. 

You can pre-order your copy of Paint & Prose: A Way Finder’s Meander Here
Thank you for breathing belief. 

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