Start Here
with Erica Dornbusch
Hosted By: Westland Gallery London ON
Date: Wednesday March 4th 6:30 – 9:30PM

Got A Great Project In Mind?
Not Sure How Or Where To Start?

As an artist and poet, I learned a LOT while self-publishing my book this past year. Not just lessons about things to do with pagination and binding and ISBN numbers, but about how to set an objective for any project and to begin work towards it. Having a great idea for a long range project is exciting but if you’re anything like me it can also land you in Inertia and Overwhelm Land where ideas go to lay down on the couch. Over years of realizing big projects, I’ve figured out a system that gets me from Concept to Actualizing my project goals and I’m excited to offer the workshop Start Here, along with the companion workbook I’ve created, at Westland Gallery.

This 3 hour working session will guide you through brainstorming your concept to setting specific outcome goals and scheduling actionable items toward actualizing your project goal.

Whether you’re applying for a grant, writing a book, completing a series of work, or planning to crowd fund a project, this workshop will help you get started and send you home with a timeline of tangible action steps towards your goal. You’ll also have the unique opportunity for group feedback on aspects of your project if you wish.

The Details


What To Bring:
Your Ideas.

The Start Here workbook is yours to keep and complete.

To register:
Call or email Westland Gallery
T: 1-519-601-4420
156 Wortley Rd
London, On N6C 3P5

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