Currently Showing

Currently Showing:
Westland Gallery – The Big Little Christmas Show

My Morning Rush
My Morning Rush, acrylic on birch panel, 10×10″

I’ve been busily creating some small works for The Big Little Christmas Show. This show keeps in mind the challenge of buying original art as a gift. The show includes a variety of easy-to-own smaller pieces, perfect for gift giving. 

Copies of my book, Paint & Prose: A Way Finder’s Meander will be available at the gallery during the show, along with the remaining framed originals created for the anthology. This is the perfect weather to curl up with art and words meant to evoke your sacred stories and a mindful connection to self and setting.

I hope you’ll come out to see this big collection of smalls and find the perfect original and meaningful gift. Click here to see all the works and come out in person to enjoy the show and the village in holiday mode! 

Exhibition: November 26th – December 29, 2019
Reception: Saturday, December 7th 2 – 4 pm

156 Wortley Rd
London, On N6C 3P5
T: 1-519-601-4420

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Exploring Canadian Landscapes

Canadian Landscapes, Celebrating Canada 150
An exploration of Canadian landscapes by London area artists
including several of my own recent pieces

​Westland Gallery London
June 20th – July 8th 2017
Reception: Thursday June 22nd @ 7:00 pm

Meadowlily Woods, New Blue Carpet 1, acrylic 20×20”

Meadowlily Woods, New Blue Carpet 2, acrylic 20×20”

Meadowlily Woods, New Blue Carpet 3, acrylic 20×20”

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FUSE90 Preview: Erica Dornbusch
click the link above to view clip…

A few weeks ago, Nick Scott, who specializes in writing, shooting, photographing and editing commercial and promotional content for broadcast and the internet reached out and asked if I’d like to be profiled in a series he makes, featuring area creatives for FUSE90. I was nervous but excited to agree! He came and set up in my studio for a conversation and then invited me to drop into my works in progress and ignore his presence :). He was wonderful to work with and was very adept at slipping into my environment, so that I felt pretty completely at ease. Then he went away and created a lovely flowing piece for which this is the preview. I feel very honoured to be featured and look forward to sharing the full piece once it’s available!

See some of Nick’s FUSE90 instalments here:


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Vivid Alliances: Water Prayer

Each day for the duration of Vivid Alliances, now on at the Westland Gallery,
I’ll pair and post a painting detail with a piece of original prose

Click the link at the bottom of each post to see the full painting within the whole collection!


Water Prayer
Water Prayer, Detail ~ Acrylic, 36×30”

Water Prayer

In that there is nothing to overcome
or to resist against, or hold sorrow for in the dark
because the thing that shapes and names it
is purely reflection
Nothing is held here in the stream
The prayers that write and undo the stream
move you in the same manner
write and then undo you
a handful of water holding the moon

Click to see the full image and collection

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Vivid Alliances: Shoreline Discourse at Big Bald Lake

Each day for the duration of Vivid Alliances, now on at the Westland Gallery,
I’ll pair and post a painting detail with a piece of original prose

Click the link at the bottom of the post to see the whole collection!


Shoreline Discourse at Big Bald Lake
Shoreline Discourse at Big Bald Lake ~ ~ Acrylic, 16×24”

Shoreline Discourse at Big Bald Lake

I’m tracing the edge of where the lake wanders up to the shore

As I watch, it pokes a finger of reflective inquiry into the reeds
around my shins, then waits

As in any conversation where give and take occurs
my wading deeply into the nuanced whys and what abouts
amid the comings and goings of theoretical speculation
causes a complicated shadow play

so I am careful that I am listening to hear
and not to prepare my answer

For your drawing is already perfect
and the telling of it as it is

a gift

Click to see the full image and collection


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Vivid Alliances: Resurrection Moss

Each day for the duration of Vivid Alliances, now on at the Westland Gallery,
I’ll pair and post a painting detail with a piece of original prose

Click the link at the bottom of each post to see the full painting within the whole collection!
Ressurection Moss
Resurrection Moss, Detail ~ Acrylic ~ 48×60″

Resurrection moss is a type of plant that hibernates in times of stress, most often due to a lack of moisture. In Southern Utah it occurs in profusion on the red rock of the area, making the cliffs appear ‘dirty’ in its dormant state. Then, when it comes into contact with moisture it blooms vividly and lushly within a matter of moments. The emerald green against the red rock is a verdant sight to behold.

My dearest and I spent our winter break hiking the area and witnessed several of these blooms as a result of an uncommon amount of precipitation. We had an astonishing time climbing and hiking among the rocks and cliffs and watching them change before our eyes. Expansively illustrated AHA moments spent witnessing the earth breathing.

Immersed in the fulsome silent presence of those red rock cliffs, we realized that wherever we are, we need to make ever more space for breathing and mindful being. To create favourable conditions for bloom and growth to keep happening.

We likely all could do better than to just meet the most basic conditions of our lives. We need to get outside more, stretch out frequently to connect, reach inside to grok our selves more fully, do more to inspire our own resurrection moss bloom…


Click to see the full image and collection

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Vivid Alliances, Sky Notes

Each day for the duration of Vivid Alliances, now on at the Westland Gallery,
I’ll pair and post a painting detail with a piece of original prose

Click the link at the bottom of each post to see the full painting within the whole collection!
Sky Notes, Detail ~ Acrylic,18x18”
Sky Notes, Detail ~ Acrylic,18×18”


Sky Notes

What I noticed, looking up
was an understanding of how things were
there. It all made sky sense

Until casting down and across this moving water pool
a different story told my eyes
I wasn’t wrong about you
but neither
was I right

Click to see the full image and collection

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Thirty One EveryDay Deities


Thirty One EveryDay Deities Exhibit

Last month I embarked on a 30 Day Painting Challenge. As an artist losing my vision, I decided to set my challenge parameters around developing my intuitive vision. I’ve actually always worked this way, but as things progress I’ve begun using my inner sight more and more in my work.

Since I’ve begun putting my work out there in a new way, I wanted to practice getting comfortable with my process. So I asked for thirty real life volunteers, and was amazed by the response from more than eighty people of varying degrees of familiarity. I made my list from the volunteers in the order they put their hand up ( and added one because he was a bit of a funny monkey about it ) and spent the next thirty days painting the essential loveliness of my subjects on 12×12 canvases with acrylics. A painting a day; their colour, energy, and spirit, as I intuitively interpreted it.

I posted my efforts daily and was amazed by the growing interest and feedback. As the collection of posted pieces grew, I started thinking about how much I’d like to see them all together as a group and the next thing I knew, I was thinking about a show. Others who were following along began to suggest the same idea. And so, as of this posting, a show is in the offing!

If you’re local, I’d love you to come and See.
Please join me Thursday July 30th
at the London Fringe Festival Theatre
207 King St., London,
Opening Reception: 7-9
w/ refreshments

Friday July 31st: 11-4 Artist in attendance
Saturday August 1: 12-4 Artist in attendance
Sunday August 2, Monday August 3: closed
Tuesday August 4, Wednesday August 5: business hours



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30 Days of Intuitive Portraits

30 Days of Intuitive Portraits


Along with a tribe of other artists led by mentor/artist Jeanne Bessette, I embarked on a 30 Day Painting Challenge spanning the month of June. As a low vision artist experiencing further degeneration of my vision, I decided to set my challenge parameters around developing my intuitive vision. I’ve actually always done this, but as things progress I’ll be using my inner sight more and more in my work.

Since I’ll be putting my work out there in a new way, I wanted to practice getting comfortable with my process around this idea and asked for real life volunteers. I was amazed by and grateful for the response and for the next thirty days I created a daily painting, portraying thirty Facebook connections of varying degrees of familiarity. Visually representing their colour, energy, and spirit as I saw it. I worked on 12×12 canvases, one a day from start to finish. I posted the resulting piece daily along with a written version of my ‘reading’ as well.

As the collection of posted pieces grew, I started thinking about how
much I’d like to see them all together as a group and the next thing I knew, I was thinking about a show. Then others who were following along began to suggest the same idea. And so, as of this posting, a show is in the works!

Over my next couple of posts I’ll share a bit of what I took away from this exercise and report on what happens as I take on planning a show for the first time. eep.

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