Paint & Prose Prints & Art Cards

Happy Spring! Have you had a chance to get your feet in some mud yet? What are you growing?

I am researching new hiking boots for a trip my love and I have planned for June. There are some bucket list treks on our agenda and I’ll need solid new kicks that I haven’t already walked holes into. Can’t wait.

And closer than that is Launch Day for Paint & Prose: A Way Finder’s Meander! While the book at press, we are working out launch details and preparing for the show. Frames for the original pieces from the book are ordered, I’m finishing up some other paintings for the show, and signing and packing up the prints and art card sets that are going out to our Kickstarter campaign supporters in gratitude for their role in making this book real.

We printed three favourites as Prints and another three as an Art Card set and added a couple of cards as a bonus. They turned out really nicely. Have a look!


I look forward to getting these into the hands of this book’s super supporters! Thank you so much as ever for your ongoing enthusiasm. I can’t wait to see those of you who will be able to be there during launch week! 

Pre-order your copy of Paint & Prose here!

Related Images:

National Poetry Month

I don’t know enough about the cosmic formulation of serendipity to prove it or disprove it as a ‘thing’, but it happens enough in my world to get my attention. Here is a solid example. I decided to make an art book that combined my paintings and prose and have been deep in the process for more than a year.

My collection of  art and words in this volume speaks to a mindful connection between ourselves and our landscape, I hope to invite you in to resonate with nature and evoke your own sacred stories. This is an important way of being for me and one I wanted to share in a book format. So I made the work, found a book printer and landed on an April publication date that fit into their production schedule. 

Just a few weeks ago in doing some leg work around the ins and outs of making and publishing and marketing books in Canada, I tuned into the League of Canadian Poets. On their website, I found this blurb: 

“National Poetry Month

National Poetry Month began in the US in 1996, spearheaded by the Academy of American Poets on the steps of a post office in New York City. There, the story goes, Academy staff members handed out copies of T.S. Eliot’s poem, “The Waste Land,” which begins, “April is the cruellest month…” to individuals waiting in line to mail their tax returns. Established in Canada in 1998, NPM now brings together schools, publishers, booksellers, literary organizations, libraries, and poets from across the country to celebrate poetry and its vital place in Canada’s culture.

Celebrate nature with poetry this April!

The League of Canadian Poets invites you to celebrate the 21st annual National Poetry Month in April with nature – whether it’s mountain ranges, deserts, forests, oceans, or plains; whether it’s a cityscape or a landscape. Read, write, and share poetry that translates the emotional, practical, and reciprocal relationships we build – as individuals and communities – to the natural world onto the page”

National Poetry month poster designed by Megan Fildes!

“Well, now – how cosmic is that”, I thought. 
I invite you to watch for daily shares and treats, here and elsewhere on social media throughout April as we celebrate National Poetry Month and gear up for the Paint & Prose’s birthdate! 



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