Way Finder’s Meander
A Chromatic Life continues at Westland Gallery until October 13. During the span of the show, I’m sharing images and prose around some of my works.
You can view the full collection of A Chromatic Life online here.
Way Finder’s Meander
What if the fullest way home is best found
while looking around at other things?
Meandering, following a stream.
What if the truest destination is inside this;
in how the everything of your living has come to be met
and rests here, quiet; so that the whispering of leaves together
brings you to a standstill in your own heart?
What if you attended that, even as an aside, while you look
through your eyes at what needs – has, to be done?
What if, without your knowing,
the music of water and leaves
goes home in your soul’s pocket
and tempers the rush in your veins?
What if we met in the field to walk?
A Chromatic Life
Anna Clarey & Erica Dornbusch
September 18th – October 13th
Artist Talk: Wednesday, Oct. 3rd at 7 pm
Westland Gallery
156 Wortley Road
London, ON