Lake Henry’s Glow


A Chromatic Life continues at Westland Gallery until October 13. During the span of the show, I’m sharing images and prose around some of my works.

You can view the full collection of A Chromatic Life online here.

Lake Henry’s Glow
Lake Henry’s Glow, Acrylic on canvas, 60×60”

A late summer sun is pressing down on the day

the same one that beckoned us from our first waking breaths
to leap fully into its light; brightly painting
madcap shadows of us run-dancing along the lane,

Now pulls on our tails sweetly
Signals us to temper our pace

We drop our voices
and take our bench seats,
agog at the set
all has been edged with gilt

a burnished copper water surface billows and
bows back to the marsh grasses’
pink feathery flouncing

Next a gracious choir of blackbirds enters,
staging the evening
jostling gently
demure about their red epaulettes

evening velvet drops
on a rope
at first
its music all around us

A Chromatic Life
Anna Clarey & Erica Dornbusch

September 18th – October 13th
Artist Talk: Wednesday, Oct. 3rd at 7 pm

Westland Gallery
156 Wortley Road
London, ON

Related Images:

Way Finder’s Meander

A Chromatic Life continues at Westland Gallery until October 13. During the span of the show, I’m sharing images and prose around some of my works.

You can view the full collection of A Chromatic Life online here.

Way Finder’s Meander


Way Finder’s Meander, Acrylic on canvas, 28.5×78.5”


What if the fullest way home is best found
while looking around at other things?
Meandering, following a stream.

What if the truest destination is inside this;
in how the everything of your living has come to be met
and rests here, quiet; so that the whispering of leaves together
brings you to a standstill in your own heart?

What if you attended that, even as an aside, while you look
through your eyes at what needs – has, to be done?

What if, without your knowing,
the music of water and leaves
goes home in your soul’s pocket
and tempers the rush in your veins?

What if we met in the field to walk?

A Chromatic Life
Anna Clarey & Erica Dornbusch

September 18th – October 13th
Artist Talk: Wednesday, Oct. 3rd at 7 pm

Westland Gallery
156 Wortley Road
London, ON

Related Images:


The reception for A Chromatic Life at Westland Gallery this past Friday evening was busy and wonderful. I really enjoyed hearing people comment on their response to the juxtaposition between Anna Clarey’s work and my own. Many reflected on the very different ways our brushes visually described our common themes, yet noting a shared deep reverence for the subject.

A Chromatic Life runs until October 13th. If you are not local to London, you can view the collection online:

Show details here.

During the exhibition, I’ll be sharing images and related pieces of prose around some of my works. Your thoughts and comments are welcome here on my blog, or elsewhere on social media if we are already connected. If not, please feel free to reach out!

This is Threshold (sold).

Threshold, Acrylic, 60×36″ This piece has been sold

“Every walk into the sunrise through any humble gap in the woods can feel like a pilgrimage. Before entry, we pause in the shadow at the threshold and gather the pieces of light to us as into an empty bowl. We lift and wonder at each one, knowing that filling up with them will not weigh anything down. Maybe these are flying lessons.”

About the show:
A Chromatic Life
Anna Clarey & Erica Dornbusch

September 18th – October 13th
Artist Talk: Wednesday, Oct. 3rd at 7 pm

Westland Gallery
156 Wortley Road
London, ON
N6C 3P5

T: 1-519-601-4420

Related Images:

Creek Bend Study

Tonight is the reception for A Chromatic Life, featuring my and Anna Clarey’s work at Westland Gallery in London ON. Anna and I, along with Westland Gallery are very excited to share this collection celebrating the Ontario landscape that we spend so much time in! I hope to see you in person if you are close enough to attend tonight or at other times during the show, which runs September 18th – October 13th. If you are a far flung friend, you can view the collection online:

Show details here.

During the show’s run, I’ll be sharing several of my pieces from the collection along with some thoughts around each. You are most welcome to follow along and comment here on my blog, or elsewhere on social media if we are connected.

This is Creek Bend Study. (This piece has been sold)

Creek Bend Study, Acrylic, 24×12”

I find the deepest bliss when I step out of my own biography and melt into a landscape quietly and for long enough that everything is forgotten. If I imagine myself without edges or needs beyond breathing and being, at some point I will be neatly enveloped by my surroundings. And then the din of being outside takes itself up again and I am delightfully ignored.

Continue reading “Creek Bend Study”

Related Images:

Isthmus Bay Kalein

A Chromatic Life is a paired show featuring my and Anna Clarey’s recent work at Westland Gallery in London ON. Anna and I are both deeply inspired by the outdoors and though our styles are very different, you will certainly get a sense of the deep impact the Ontario landscape has on our art and psyches.

Show details here.

It’s always interesting  to see the works hung in a different setting and context than the one in which they were painted. There’s a new allowing for them to have Been Made, after the Conceiving Of, and then, the Making Of them.

During the show, I’ll be sharing several of my pieces from the collection along with some thoughts around each. You are most welcome to follow along and comment here on my blog, or elsewhere on social media if we are connected.

The first piece is Isthmus Bay Kalein.

Isthmus Bay Kalein
Isthmus Bay Kalein, Acrylic on canvas, 40×48”

Continue reading “Isthmus Bay Kalein”

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